

  1. I planted a hedge of 10 roses last spring. We left them to the vagaries of nature and the drip watering system when we returned to our northern home for the summer. Nine survived although somewhat beaten down, including one that was eaten bare by insects. When it came time to prune in January they looked like they were just getting into their stride so we let them go and they rewarded us with giant blooms. Now they're getting a little randy and we are preparing to leave again. Question: Should we now give them their winter pruning or wait until we return next October?

  2. I definitely would NOT give them a winter pruning now. If the foliage is heavy you could prune out some of the thinner wood, but ensure you have a good layer of leaves to protect the branches from sunburn. Apply a slow release fertizer (9 month) at half strength maybe include a systemic insecticide to keep the spider mite at bay.

  3. Revitalize the Rose Garden
    Please join us at the MCC Rose Garden as we revitalize and prune the garden for the spring! The MCC Rose Garden, a partnership between Mesa-East Valley Rose Society and the Mesa Community College is the largest public rose garden in the desert southwest and is the only significant public rose garden begun since 1974. The garden provides a beautiful setting for students and the public to enjoy our nation's national flower-the rose.
    Volunteers are need for a large scale pruning event on Saturday, January, 14th. Winter pruning will stimulate new growth and promote a spring burst of rose buds. This is a city-wide volunteer event where hundreds of volunteers are needed! Families, friends, faith-based groups, clubs and service organizations are welcome! 200 rose bushes will be raffled off for participating volunteers to take home at the conclusion of the pruning. (Roses donated by Star Roses).
    Registration required: Sign up here.
    Additional Information:
    • Volunteers must be 14 or older. All volunteers must wear closed toed shoes, long pants and a long sleeved shirt. Volunteers are encouraged to bring their own gloves and pruners, if available.
    Date: 01/14/2017 (Sat.)
    Time: 8:30am - 11:00am MST
    Location: 1833 W Southern Ave, Mesa, AZ 85202
    • Volunteer check in will begin at 8:30am.
    • Event begins at 9:00am.
    • Anticipated event end time is 11am.

    Steve Sheard MCC Rose Garden Board Chairperson
    602 334 7483
